Music Banter - View Single Post - Is it ok or is it creepy to talk to younger people about music here?
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Old 01-24-2023, 11:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Is it ok or is it creepy to talk to younger people about music here?

Continuing a hijacked thread, what do you think? The contention from at least jwb is that our attempts to educate 14, now 15-year old Eleanor Rigby in a thread where she asked for music recs is evidence that we were all grooming her, or trying to. Who feels this is correct? Do you worry about approaching those younger than you here, for fear of being accused of being a perv or a creep? Particularly with young girls of course. Or is there enough of a demarcation line for you in your behaviour between innocent chat about music and attempts to divert your conversation into more personal areas? Wonder what everyone thinks about this?
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