2001 - Runescape
This year is a particularly interesting one to talk about because, despite it being a game that has pretty much become the only game that will never be surpassed in terms of total game time, I didn't actually start playing until a few years later. And then went to play for many years after that. And when I say many years, I mean that I have 16+ years collectively, though there were a few years that I didn't play at all, but it has always sort of been in the back of my mind when nothing else took my time. I'm talking of course about Runescape.
With this game surely being the one I have spent most of my life playing, I couldn't really see any reason to talk about any other game other than Runescape, because while being one of my first if not my first experience with an MMORPG, it also managed to be one of the first experiences I ever had truly feeling the pull of addiction, and this led to me nearly failing out of high school. Looking back, was it worth it? Eh, sure. I mean, I wasn't going to college anyway so school didn't matter much. "It's just a game" some would say, but at such a young age, that pull to keep making your character better was something I wanted all the time.
As I got older, the more experience I got playing Runescape, and the better I got with it. So much so that I did a few posts about it in my previous journal, and I am honestly stoked about where my character is at its point in its life. Lots of gp and al the best armor I can get. It's one of those cases where when you arrive in the starting area when you begin your adventure, and first thing you see is a high level character with amazing armor. I always wanted to have a character like that, and minus the need to be looked at by low level characters, I can safely say that I feel like I have a character that mimics that need.
People already pretty much know my thoughts on this and I will continue to talk about Runescape throughout the year, but it's definitely the one game that stuck with me the most throughout the years. And surely, will continue to do so.
Last edited by Key; 01-24-2023 at 12:23 PM.