Originally Posted by Synthgirl
I dunno what to tell you, I've always just been a bit of a shy person when communicating over text with strangers. I had very low self esteem when I was younger and strayed away from sharing my opinions. I'm not antisocial, I'm just generally pretty reserved, even IRL.
I also grew up in the "tits or GTFO" era of the internet and that did a pretty large amount of psychic damage.
I'm working on myself, meeting my partner over the past year has helped a lot with my self confidence.
In some ways though, you'd think communicating over text anonymously with strangers would allow you to be yourself more, wouldn't you? Besides the whole "tits or GTFO" thing which we'd never countenance around here.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I mean that's even earlier than that time period. Like what you're talking about was AOL instant messenger when you could just harass random people on AIM in a way that people who came to the internet via Facebook couldn't even grasp. Back when my main interaction with the internet was fan sites for whatever anime I was into at the time.
I don't know, I didn't view it as just that, I'm also thinking about how web design as a whole has become much more sanitized and uniform - every successful website copying everyone else - the rise of search algorithms propping up sites based on ad revenue, bla bla bla. I'm sure you remember when the design of different websites seemed to be completely unique - you'd have flashing graphics in weird places, ugly color contrasts, hyperlinks to random crap everywhere. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but the internet back then felt more unique, DIY and genuine.