Originally Posted by The Batlord
Honestly that depends on whether you just checked out music content solely for recs or you silently watched our shit storms while eating popcorn. If you have opinions on Chula v. Frownland from years back then we have infected your mind in a Borg-like fashion that makes you one of us.
Mostly music, but I do remember several entertaining trainwrecks like RockGuitar101, Kobe Kai, The Virgin, that one guy who was obsessed with hair metal, not as much in the way of member beefs though, that kind of drama doesn't interest me as much as the wacky characters like those.
You're a new member - and it remains to be seen whether or not you'll be added to the list of new members who didn't stick around.
Understood! I'm certainly going to try my best, this place has been fun for me so far.