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Old 01-13-2023, 05:24 AM   #6680 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Queen Boo View Post
Dude what? Saying Carole King and Karen Carpenter are not at all remembered by their generation is a hell of a baffling take, maybe not by rock snobs who somehow convinced themselves Ted Nugent and Foghat are the peak of music but Carole King is one of the most celebrated songwriters of her generation dude, and while The Carpenters were once a favorite punching bag of rock critics they remain a beloved act even among younger people, I'm a millennial and I f*cking love the Carpenters, and I know I'm not alone, it just isn't hip to hate 70s soft rock anymore.

If you think Taylor Swift's legacy will be comparable to those two then I'd say she's done really well for herself.
Lord almighty! Read what I said! I said that Karen and Carole are not remembered by THIS generation, not their generation! Of course they were huge back in the 70s and 80s and I love both, but ask any young person today who either were and they're likely to ask if maybe their new mixtape has dropped. I'm pointing out that someone who was huge in their time does not, with the current attention span of music fans of this generation, go on being so. And so when Swift or Sheeran pass on, let's say in forty/fifty years or more, our descendants are more likely to say, who were they than there goes another legend.
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