Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
You've done a great job on building the SCD website, Guybrush, and I'm happy to hear that you and TH have been secretly collaborating even though you have often taken opposing views on the various "What to do with MB?" debates.
I'll join SCD when I can work out a new avatar (which may take longer than you would imagine  )
Hey, thanks for the kind words, Lisna

Me and Trollheart have turned out to be a (surprisingly) good team, I think. He's honest with me when my ideas suck and wise in the ways of MB, so that's very good. He came up with the name, among other things. As for what I bring to the table, I guess I'm currently the resident techie / nerd and have some management experience that I can apply here.
Looking forward to seeing you on SCD

Hey, ribbons and Chula too! Brilliant! Thanks guys