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Old 12-27-2022, 07:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Montauban, France
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Default Bands you did not appreciate when you were younger but later realised their greatness

So I’ve been asking myself a few questions. Why do I get mostly instrumentals in my YT recs? Why don't I get tunes with lyrics? Where are they? What the hell is wrong with me?

Yesterday someone mentioned 10cc. The name rang a bell but I couldn't place them until they hummed “I’m Not in Love”, “Dreadlock Holiday” and told me to look up “I'm Mandy Fly Me”
Oh yeah! That stuff was on the radio in the 80s and 90s!

I wanted to dig to see what else I’d been missing. Turns out they were originally from Stockport and released their first single in 1972. Their early albums Sheet Music, Bloody Tourists, Deceptive Bends, How Dare You!... all sound brill, at the first listen.

3 songs at random:

10cc - I'm Mandy Fly Me (1976)

10cc - The Worst Band In The World (1974)

10cc - Une Nuit A Paris (Part 1) / The Same Night In Paris (Part 2) / Later The Same Night In Paris... (1975)

What are they, proggy rock ‘n roll with charming sometimes punky lyrics? Sounds like a eclectic band with plenty of feelings and a lot of banter and innuendo. Perfect for MB!

If anyone has any bands that they didn’t think about in ages but then came up in conversation recently and made them look them up again, then feel free to post ‘em.
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