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Old 12-14-2022, 11:27 AM   #820 (permalink)
Marie Monday
the bantering battleaxe
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Originally Posted by Guybrush View Post
It is interesting if they can finally make something of it. I've read news now that they've had luck using AI to figure out the correct set of containment parameters or something.

About heat, it takes about a hundred million degrees to jumpstart fusion of hydrogen isotopes into helium (and a wayward neutron), something that I believe is always achieved with a laser. But it should give off more heat / energy than you have to use with the laser to kickstart it.

If the process is sustained, it'll produce heat that can be used to warm a liquid like water so that it becomes easy to turn into electricity with a steam turbine.

Marie might be interested and knowledgable about this, being a physicist.
I'm a theoretical physicist so I know very little about more practical things like these. I listened to a talk by a fusion reactor scientist once but I don't remember much of it except I think for various practical reasons there's a lot of energy loss, so only a small part of the generated energy can be used

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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