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Old 11-23-2022, 02:38 PM   #4 (permalink)
rubber soul
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Well, let's start with the word, "Acquaintance". I guess that can be construed as formal but it is the perfect word to describe someone you merely know.

As for friend, it can be described in several ways, the main one being essentially a person that you feel close to. But it can also be used to describe a more casual relationship and can even be used in a sentence in a not so friendly matter (For example: You're about to get your comeuppance, my friend). Friend can also be used when referring to someone or some group, such as a country for example, as an ally.

Of course English uses more words than any other language and there are quite a few synonyms that go along with friend, such as chum, pal, ally, etc.

Best bet is to find an online thesaurus. There you'll probably find words that can describe specifically what you're looking for.
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