Treehouse of Horror episode: 8
Year: 1997
Season: 9
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “Fly vs Fly”
Writer(s): David X. Cohen
Main: Bart
Supporting: Lisa, Marge, Homer, Maggie, Professor Frink
Homage to? The Fly duh
Basic premise: Bart becomes a fly
Best quotes:
Frink: “I take it from that small grunt you are interested in purchasing this matter transporter, sir?”
Homer: “Eh, two dollars? And it only transports matter? Hmm. I’ll give you thirty-five cents for it.”
Frink: “Sold! However I must warn you that it comes with a frighteningly high risk of catastrophic -”
Homer: “I SAID I’ll TAKE it!”
Bart: “Dad, can I use your transporter some time? I swear I’ll be careful!”
Homer: “Sorry, this is a highly sophistimicated doohickey. If you don’t use it responsibly it’s KA-BLAMMO!”
(Sticks fist into transporter)
Lisa (voice): “Ow! Someone just punched me in the face!”
Homer (calling) “It was your mother!”
Bart: “Get my filthy hands off my sister!”
Bart: “Don’t eat me! You don’t know where I’ve been!”
Homer (picking up axe): “Some things were not supposed to be.”
Marge: “What are you doing Homer?”
Homer: “Something I should have done a long time ago. I’ll teach you to mess with my machine!” (chases Bart with axe).
Type of ending: Funny
Synopsis: Having bought a matter transporter at a garage sale run by Professor Frink, Homer refuses to let Bart use it. He does anyway though, ending up by melding Santa’s Little Helper and Snowball II, then sees the opportunity of melding himself with a fly and becoming some sort of superhero. However it doesn’t quite work out that way and Bart’s head ends up on the fly’s body, while the rest of him is turned into a half-fly, half-human creature. This is not the sort of way you want to start your day!
Bart decides he doesn’t like life as a fly, but the fly/Bart human thing is not about to give up its new life, so Bart the fly has to enlist Lisa’s help. They manage to trick the fly hybrid back into the machine and all is restored to normal.
Rating: B (god I hate flies. I can’t even watch that movie)
Story: 5
Laughs: 5
Originality: 3
Ending: 5
Longevity: 1
Total: 19