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Old 10-30-2022, 08:36 PM   #25 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Introduction: The Fox censor is happily editing bits out of the show when an arm appears out of the logo wielding a sword and brutally kills him. Being a censor, he says such thing as he dies as “Oh for fudge’s sake!” “Jiminy Christmas!” and “Darn it!” The couch gag has the Simpsons being electrocuted.
Treehouse of Horror episode: 8
Year: 1997
Season: 9
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “The Homega Man”
Writer(s): Mike Scully
Main: Homer
Supporting: Mayor Quimby, Comic Book Guy, Moe, Dr. Hibbert, Kirk Van Houten, Marge, Lisa, Bart, Maggie, Kent Brockman, Chief Wiggum, Herman, Kang, Kodos, Sideshow Mel, Flanders, Dr. Hibbert, Skinner, Mr. Burns, Willy, Lenny
Homage to? Movie The Omega Man and every other movie where there’s one person left alive on Earth after a nuclear wotsit
Basic premise: When Mayor Quimby antagonises the French, they launch a nuclear missile which destroys Springfield. Homer is the last man left alive in a world of zombies.
Best quotes:

Marge: “Homer, you know how unpredictable the French are! One minute they’re kissing a woman’s hand, the next they’re chopping her head off!”

Homer: “Ooh a Gary Larsen calendar! I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it…”

Kodos (as neutron ballistic missile passes): “What the hell was that?”
Kang: “This is ensign Kang, reporting a cigar-shaped object moving at tremendous speed!”
Radio operator: “Sure, Kang, sure. I’m writing it all down…”

Hibbert: “In the midst of all the killing and skin eating, we forgot about the love.”

Type of ending: Cool
Synopsis: After Springfield is destroyed in a nuclear explosion, Homer finds himself the only man left alive as he was checking out a nuclear shelter when the bomb hit. He now realises he can do whatever he wants, and there’s nobody to stop him. He is, however, checked in his debauchery by a bunch of zombies, led by Moe and Dr. Hibbert. They chase him back to his house, where it turns out Marge and the family have survived, the layers of lead paint in their house having been proof against the bomb. They shoot all the zombies.
Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 4
Originality: 5
Ending: 5
Longevity: 2
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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