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Old 10-28-2022, 02:22 PM   #23 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 7
Year: 1995
Season: 8
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “The Genesis Tub”
Writer(s): Dan Greaney
Main: Lisa
Supporting: Bart. Also Marge, Homer and Maggie but VERY peripherally (they’re in one scene and only Marge talks) and Santa’s Little Helper, also in one quick scene; Professor Frink (in the tiny world)
Homage to? Twilight Zone episode “The Little People”
Basic premise: Lisa creates a whole civilisation in a plant pot
Best quotes:

Lisa: “Science has already proved the dangers of smoking, alcohol and Chinese food, but I can still ruin soft drinks for everyone!”

Lisa: “My God! I’ve created life!”
Marge (voice from kitchen): “Lisa! Breakfast! We’re having waffles!”
Lisa: “Ooh! Waffles!”

Bart: “Your micro-jerks attacked me!”
Lisa: “Well, you practically destroyed their whole world!”
Bart: “You can’t protect them every second. Sooner or later you’ll let your guard down and then - flush! It's toilet time for Tiny Town!”

Lisa: “You think I’m a god?”
Priest: “But of course! You look down on us from above, you gave us life. And only your divine intervention can protect us from the devil!”
Lisa: “The devil?”
Priest: “The one you call… Bart!”
Lisa: “Oh, Bart’s just my brother.”
Priest: “The devil is your brother?”

Type of ending: Funny but silly and a shade tragic
Synopsis: Experimenting to see if cola will dissolve one of her lost teeth, Lisa accidentally creates life when Bart touches her and static electricity flows from her finger to the tooth. She watches the mould grow in the bowl, and then sees tiny people moving. As she watches, fascinated, the civilisation develops until they are sufficiently advanced to build cities. Bart sticks his finger in the project to annoy Lisa, and when she checks she can see the devastation that his interference has caused. That night a space fleet leaves the bowl and attacks Bart, who then swears revenge.

The tiny people then shrink Lisa and bring her to their world, where she is trapped as Bart robs her science project and gets first prize at school with it, to Lisa’s chagrin.

Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 3
Originality: 6
Ending: 3
Longevity: 2
Total: 22
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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