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Old 10-27-2022, 02:16 PM   #22 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Introduction: Homer is putting a candle in a pumpkin and sets fire to himself. The couch gag has Death sitting on the couch when the family run in. They all drop dead and he puts his feet up on them.

Treehouse of Horror episode: 7
Year: 1996
Season: 8
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “The Thing and I”
Writer(s): Ken Keeler
Main: Bart
Supporting: Homer, Marge, Lisa, Maggie, Dr. Hibbert
Homage to? ? Seems fairly original this time
Basic premise: Bart discover he has an evil(ler) twin
Best quotes:

Homer (with bucket of fish heads): “Fish heads, fish heads…” (it’s more a visual thing)

Homer: “I work my butt off to feed you four kids and -”
Marge: “Three kids.”
Homer: “What?”
Marge: “We have three kids, Homer.”
Homer: “Yeah. Three nosy kids! And you know what happens to nosy kids who ask too many questions?”
Bart and Lisa: “No, what? Tell us! Tell us!”

Marge: “You went into the attic? I’m very disappointed and terrified!”

Dr. Hibbert: “You don’t forget a thing like Siamese twins!”
Lisa: “I think they prefer to be called Conjoined twins.”
Hibbert: “And hillbillies prefer to be called sons of the soil, but it ain’t gonna happen.”

Hibbert: “A routine soul smear confirmed the presence of pure evil.”

Hibbert: “But what to do with Hugo? Too crazy for Boystown, too much of a boy for Crazytown! The child was an outcast. So, we did the only humane thing we could.”
Homer: “We chained Hugo up like an animal in the attic and fed him a bucket of fish heads every week.”
Marge: “It saved our marriage!”

Hibbert: “Isn’t it interesting that the left, or sinister twin is invariably the evil one? I have a theory that - wait a minute! Hugo’s scar is on the wrong side! He couldn't have been the evil left twin! That would mean the evil twin is, and always has been, Bart!”
Bart: “Oh don’t all look so shocked!”

Type of ending: Funny

Synopsis: Hearing a strange noise in the attic Bart and Lisa question their parents, but they pretend ignorance (not hard in Homer’s case haw haw!) Eventually they discover that they have another brother, who is evil and twisted and has to be kept up there. He’s Bart’s evil twin, Hugo, who was separated from him at birth. Now he’s loose and out in the world, having escaped from the attic. Enlisting the help of the only other person who knows of his existence, Dr. Hibbert (who of course delivered Bart) Marge, Lisa and Homer leave to search, while Bart remains at home.

But Hugo has fooled them. He has not escaped and is in fact still in the attic. He captures Bart and prepares to sew them back together, but Hibbert arrives in time to save Bart, knocking Hugo out. A routine examination of the scar however reveals that Hugo is not in fact the evil twin, and so Bart has to switch places with him in the attic, as Hugo takes over his life.

Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 4
Originality: 10
Ending: 10
Longevity: 2
Total: 34
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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