Treehouse of Horror episode: 6
Year: 1995
Season: 7
Segment: 3 of 3
Segment title: “Homer cubed”
Writer(s): David X. Cohen
Main: Homer
Supporting: Marge, Lisa. Bart, Maggie, Chief Wiggum, Reverend Lovejoy, Professor Frink, Patti. Selma, Santa’s Little Helper, Snowball II, Dr. Hibbert, Grandpa, Jasper
Homage to? Twilight Zone episode “Little Girl Lost” it says here, but I’m more for
Basic premise: Homer gets lost in a strange world of three dimensions!
Best quotes:
Lisa: “Sorry dad we called it.”
Homer: “Nu-uh.”
Lisa: “Well we’re calling it now.”
Homer: “You are?”
Bart: “Yeah.”
Homer: “Oh! They got me with their legal mumbo-jumbo!”
Homer: “This is like that twilighty show about that zone!”
Patti (or is it Selma?): “It’s like he just disappeared into fat air!”
Homer: “Did anyone see the movie
Everyone: “No.”
Frink: “Here is an ordinary square…”
Wiggum: “Whoa! Slow down, egghead!”
Wiggum: “Enough of your science, professor! A man’s life is at stake! We need action!” (Shoots the wall) “Take that, ya lousy dimension!”
Marge: “Bart! What happened?”
Bart: “Well, we hit a little snag when the universe sort of collapsed on itself. But dad seemed cautiously optimistic.”
Type of ending: Stupid and pointless (but you can forgive this one anything; it’s a real case of just sit back and admire the superb three-dimensional animation)
Synopsis: In a desperate attempt to avoid the visit of his sisters-in-law, Homer takes refuge behind a bookcase and finds himself in another world, a world where everything suddenly has three dimensions. The animation here is excellent, though the story really relies on it as otherwise it’s nothing really. When he realises he’s lost, Homer calls out and they can hear him in the house but not see him. Various attempts are made to get him back, including Wiggum, for some reason, shooting at the wall, but all to no avail. Homer ends up trapped in the third dimension. Bart goes in to save him but Homer falls down into the vortex that has been created and ends up in our world.
Rating: A++ (you have to give it top marks for animation)
Story: 6
Laughs: 5
Originality: 3
Ending: 0
Longevity: 5