Treehouse of Horror episode: 6
Year: 1995
Season: 7
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace”
Writer(s): Steve Tompkins
Main: Bart, Lisa, Willy
Supporting: Nelson, Milhouse, Sherri, Terri, Ralph, Skinner, Martin, Mrs. Krabappel, Lunchlady Doris, Homer, Marge, Chief Wiggum, Mrs. Wiggum, Flanders
Homage to? Oh now hold on, let me think…
Basic premise: Bart and Lisa are attacked in their dreams by Groundskeeper Willy
Best quotes:
Skinner: “There’s no mystery about Willy. He simply disappeared. Now, let’s have no more curiosity about this bizarre cover-up.”
Skinner (looking under cover at corpse of Martin Prince): “Better wheel him out of here; best the children don’t see.” (Steps on sheet, corpse revealed, kids scream) “Oh just get it out of here! NO! Not into the Kindergarten!! (More screaming).
Marge: “Kids, it’s about time we told you the truth and put your fears to rest. It’s a story of murder and revenge from beyond the grave!”
Marge: “It all started on the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month. We were all there to discuss the misprinted calendars, which the school had purchased.”
Homer (in Marge’s retelling): “Lousy Smarch weather!” (Sees note on thermostat: DO NOT TOUCH - WILLY) “Do not touch Willy. Good advice!”
Lisa: “Bart! Don’t you realise what this means? Next time we fall asleep we could die!”
Grandpa: “Meh! Welcome to my world!”
Type of ending: Funny
Synopsis: Bart and Lisa both realise they are being attacked in their dreams by Groundskeeper Willy, who “disappeared mysteriously”. On checking at school, they find they are not the only ones: all the kids are being chased in their dreams, though Skinner insists there is nothing to worry about. Then Martin dies in his sleep while napping in class. Marge tells Bart and Lisa of the grisly death of Willy, who was accidentally fried in his own furnace, and swore to get revenge on the parents through their kids.
Bart goes into his dream to face Willy in a final showdown, and tells Lisa to stay awake so she can wake him up if things go wrong. But in the event, she falls asleep too and they’re both trapped with Willy till Maggie comes to the rescue.
Rating: B+
Story: 5
Laughs: 4
Originality: 2
Ending: 4
Longevity: 5