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Old 10-24-2022, 12:31 PM   #19 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Introduction: Headless horseman runs at the screen and throws his head (which turns out to be that of Krusty) at it; Krusty groans. Couch gag shows all the Simpsons hanged from the ceiling. Maggie sucks her soother.

Treehouse of Horror episode: 6
Year: 1995
Season: 7
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “Attack of the 50-ft Eyesores”
Writer(s): John Schwartzwelder
Main: Homer
Supporting: Lisa, Marge, Chief Wiggum, Bart, Flanders, Kent Brockman, Moe (mentioned)
Homage to?
Basic premise: Giant advertising figures come to life
Best quotes:

Otto (on seeing the giant devil mascot while driving the bus) : “Oh man! Another acid flashback! I’d hate to be driving the bus right now!”

Wiggum (after shooting a big tall guy): “Ah they’re not so tough!”
Lou: “Uh, chief, that wasn’t a monster. That was the captain of the high school basketball team!”
Wiggum: “Uh, yeah, but he was turning into a monster.”

Homer: “He came to life. Good for him!”

Type of ending: Meh

Synopsis: Having failed in his quest to get a “colossal doughnut” like the one Lard Lad holds outside the diner, Homer robs the model one and for some reason the figure comes to life, and so do the others on the strip. Marge thinks that once Homer gives Lard Lad back his doughnut all will be well, but she’s wrong; the icons continue to destroy the town. So Lisa visits the advertising agency who made them, and on the advice of the guy there, and with a jingle sung by Paul Anka telling people not to watch the figures, they all fall over, as advertising needs people to pay attention to it or it dies. Yeah. Right.

Rating: B

Story: 5
Laughs: 3
Originality: 4
Ending: 1
Longevity: 1
Total: 14
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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