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Old 10-20-2022, 11:52 AM   #15 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 4
Year: 1993
Season: 5
Segment: 3 of 3
Segment title: “Bart Simpson’s Dracula
Writer(s): Bill Canterbury
Main: Bart, Lisa, Mr. Burns, Homer
Supporting: Smithers, Milhouse, Marge, Maggie, Kent Brockman, Chief Wiggum, Grampa,
Janey, Martin, Ralph, Lou, Eddie

Homage to? Bram Stoker’s Dracula (the movie) and also of course the novel; The Lost Boys
Basic premise: Mister Burns is a vampire
Best quotes:

Kent Brockman: “Another local peasant has been found dead, drained of his blood with two teeth marks on his throat. This cape was found at the scene (picture shows a black cape with the word DRACULA on it) Police are baffled.”
Wiggum: “We think we’re dealing with some sort of supernatural being, most likely a mummy. As a precaution, I’ve ordered the Egyptian wing of the Springfield museum destroyed.”

Homer: “Lisa, vampires are make-believe, just like elves, gremlins and eskimos.”

Homer: “It sure was nice of Mr. Burns to invite us for a midnight dinner in his country house in… PENNSYLVANIA!”

Burns: “Ah welcome, come in. Excellent. Fresh victims for my ever-growing army of the undead!”
Smithers: “Sir, you have to let go of the button -”
Burns: “Son of a bi -”

Lisa: “Eww! Dad, this is blood!”
Homer: “Correction: free blood!”

Bart: “Hello mother, hello father. I missed you during my uneventful absence.”

Homer: “Oh Lisa, you and your stories. Bart’s a vampire. Beer kills brain cells. Now let’s go back to that.. building … thingy … where our beds and TV… is.”

Grandpa: “Quick! We have to kill the boy!”
Marge: “How do you know he’s a vampire?”
Grandpa: “He’s a vampire? AAAAHHHH!”

Marge: “Homer, we’ve got to do something! Today he’s drinking people’s blood, tomorrow he could be smoking!”

Homer: “Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream?”

Lisa: “You must drive this stake right through his heart.”
Homer: “Take that foul fiend!”
Lisa: “Dad, that’s his crotch!”
Burns: “Aaaagghh! You’re fired!”

Type of ending: Stupid, pointless and very annoying

Synopsis: Invited to a midnight dinner by Mr. Burns, the Simpsons quickly become suspicious (well, Bart and Lisa do) and uncover evidence that Homer’s boss is a vampire. Bart is turned, and then, Lost Boys-like, floats outside Lisa’s window and then turns her. Stupid ending where suddenly for some reason they all shout "Happy Halloween" and sing what appears to be "Auld Lang Syne" (?) as it snows outside?????
Rating: A (despite the ending)

Story: 5
Laughs: 5
Originality: 2
Ending: 0
Longevity: 5
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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