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Old 10-18-2022, 08:31 AM   #13 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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In the run-up to Halloween, what could be more appropriate than daily shots of The Treehouse of Horror? Let's go!

Introduction: None
Derivation: A walk through paintings which all have a story to tell, in a homage to Rod Serling’s Night Gallery. Bart is your guide.

Elvis: accept it
A balanced budget
Subtle political satire
TV violence

Treehouse of Horror episode: 4
Year: 1993
Season: 5
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “The Devil and Homer Simpson”
Writer(s): Greg Daniels and Dan McGrath
Main: Homer, Flanders
Supporting: Marge, Bart, Lisa, Lionel Hutz
Homage to? The Devil and Daniel Webster
Basic premise: Homer sells his soul for a donut; Marge tries to trick the devil into releasing him from his contract.
Best quotes:
Homer: “Don’t panic: remember your emergency training.” (Opens manual, into which is cut a deep box shape; reads note - Dear Homer, IOU one emergency donut, signed Homer) “Damn! He’s always one step ahead!”

Homer: “You’re the devil?”
Flanders: “Always the one you least suspect eh?”

Burns: “Hmm. Who’s that goat-legged fellow? I like the cut of his jib.”
Smithers: “Prince of Darkness, sir. He’s your eleven o’clock.”

Flanders/Devil: “Oh, you Americans, with your due process and fair trials! This is always so much easier in Mexico!”

Flanders/Devil: “Hey Bart.”
Bart: “Hey.”

Demon: “So, you like donuts eh?”
Homer: “Uh-huh.”
Demon: “Well, have all the donuts in the world! Ha ha ha ha!”
(As Homer finishes the last donut in the world)
Homer: “More.”
Demon: “I - I don’t understand it. James Coco (?) went mad in fifteen minutes!”

Type of ending: Ironic and funny
Synopsis: When a true emergency strikes, Homer knows what to do. No donuts left, as Lenny and Carl have eaten them all (and thrown some at Grampa for kicks) but he has an emergency donut in his manual. When he finds that he earlier ate this, he whines that he would sell his soul for a donut, and who should appear but Flanders as the Devil, ready to seal the deal. Homer later realises though that the contract doesn’t fall due until or unless he finishes the donut, and determines never to do so. But of course, this is Homer and these are donuts, so he has no chance, and when he eats the last crumb Flanders pops up to take his soul. Funny when Homer, doomed to Hell, gets stuck in the floor as Flanders tries to get him pulled down.

Lisa challenges the Devil to allow Homer one chance to save his soul - due process, which Flanders is not happy about (well, he wouldn’t would he, being a Republican?) but has no choice but to agree to. Homer must spend one day in Hell while arrangements are made, and at midnight the trial begins. When Marge shows the jury a note from Homer in which he pledges his soul to her forever, they rule in favour of her and the Devil is thwarted.

Nevertheless, Homer doesn’t get off scot free, having his head turned into a donut. Naturally, he keeps trying to eat it.
Rating: A+

Story: 5
Laughs: 5
Originality: 2
Ending: 5
Longevity: 2
Total: 19

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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