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Old 09-30-2022, 07:33 PM   #556 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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This is my first time hearing Massive Attack, and pre-judging on the basis of their name and the cover art of Protection, I was expecting altogether more aggressive music. Instead, the band's goal seems to be an impeccably cool and unflustered sound that made me think of Sade or Gotan Project. A style called Acid Jazz, I think.

The opener, with the girl singing, is smooth and poignant, and gets better when a kind of oozy electronic sound bubbles in at about 3 mins: great sound, but I know I've heard it somewhere before. Nothing else catches my attention here as the song rolls predictably on. Still, that track is way better than the guy who comes, next singing with rap-inflected vocals, which I really didn't like. So Karcoma and Euro Child were the album low points for me.

The high points were the two instrumental tracks, Weather Storm and Heat Miser. I might add these to a playlist I have of soft background music that I listen to when I'm doing some work that needs a bit of concentration.

Sly was an ok track, though I didn't really like the sweeping strings which reminded me of some orchestral pop from the sixties. Other tracks went by without leaving much impression, and the closer was, as most of us seem to agree, a mistake: why disrupt the narcotic studio mood for the sake of a live rendition of a truly stale choice of a cover song: the done-to-death Light My Fire?

So, at best, Massive Attack have come up with some tolerable background music. If that was their intention, they don't get a very high score from me: they would've done better to call themselves Massive Disappointment imo: 3.5/10
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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