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Thread: Your Day
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Old 09-30-2022, 09:32 AM   #77770 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
It's a balance. If someone tells you that's 19.99 and you hand them a twenty, you're generally not expected to wait for your cent change. Similarly, if something costs 20.01 and you give them a twenty they're not gonna say where's the cent (usually). But if it's say 5.17 you're probably not going to hand them a tenner if possible: a fiver and then "let me see if I have the 17". Sometimes cashiers will ask you to give them the odd cents so they don't have to give you back notes. It's all about, I believe, when it's convenient for them too, when you're helping them. That's how it is here anyway.
Yep, this is familiar. We have the “take penny, leave a penny” coin cups as well for precisely this reason. As a barista I would never run out of coins but would often be short on single dollars, so would ask customers to trade them in for larger bills sometimes. There’s an unspoken alliance among food servers/tip earners, and arrangements like this are simply understood.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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