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Thread: K Pop
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Old 09-29-2022, 01:36 AM   #1158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SGR View Post
Hey thanks!! I'll check 'em out.

You're from Wales, right? How'd you get into K Pop anyway? Assuming you are from Wales, you wouldn't happen to be a Manic Street Preachers fan, would you?
I was on holiday and happened to be in a department store, I noticed a MV on one of the store's TVs. I asked the assistant who they are he just said that they are Korean.
A year later I was asked by someone if I had heard of the Korean guy who had made a MV in which he is doing a funny dance. They told me that this guy was becoming really popular. I had not seen the MV or heard the song and so I was dismissive of this person's recommendation. But they insisted that I really should see it. So when I got home I searched YT and found it. After watching it (Gangnam
Style), I noticed the thumbnails of MVs from a group called Girls' Generation and recognised one of their MVs (Genie, Japanese version) from the previous year when I was in the department store. After watching Girls Generation I clicked on other groups like Fx and that's how I got into Kpop.

Yes I'm from Wales. I'm not a Maniac Street Preachers fan.
"Girl Group, K-Pop Supremacist"
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