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Old 09-21-2022, 05:35 PM   #11510 (permalink)
ask me about cosmology
Mindy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
Posts: 9,075

1. If you were going to be an animal in your next life, which one would it be and why?
Eagle, because I am American asf

2. What is your favourite fiction genre? Can be broad or specific.
Dan Brown's books, because of how accurate AND how wrong they can be. Sort of a mixture of truth

3. What is your solution to the so called 'war on drugs'?
More strict alcohol laws and less strict weed laws

4. Name a vice you can't give up.
high fructose corn syrup

5. What is the best place for a first date?
Mini golf

6. Post a YouTube video that you would like to share with the group.
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