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Old 09-18-2022, 09:07 PM   #9877 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Sneeer View Post
So yeeeeh, pretty weird in the UK right now.

You have people queueing for over 30 hours to see a coffin that most likely doesn't contain the corpse of a 96 year old women no one's met.

That in itself is fascinating; yet, now we have people whingeing about privileged rich people milking their status to cut the queue to see the figurehead of a rich family that has milked its privilege for decades.

Typical day in Britain, really.
Do you know, there were rumours (probably untrue) that we here in Ireland might do a day of mourning for her? For the symbol of a country that ground us under its heel for 700 years and basically tried to ethnically cleanse us? Oh no wait, that's ethically cleanse. No, I was right the first time.

I bet the one way you could guarantee a knife in the guts/acid in the face/call for hanging to be brought back/house burned down right now would be to say one bad word about the Queen. It's like the whole country (I know what you say about a split, but I don't see it, and even if it's there I guarantee it's nowhere near 50/50, whether it's sincere or not) has suddenly become a fortress for the monarchy.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Didn't some guy who called Prince Edward (or whoever the pedo is) "a sick old man" get his **** kicked in by the cops? Yeah, man, 10/10 country. Someone needs to huck a milkshake at the coffin.
Is that a euphemism? Please let it be a euphemism...

Mind you, if anyone did anything of that nature you can bet they would be gunned down to applause from the crowd. Didn't they just lose their **** because one guy "ran from out of the queue and approached the coffin?"

Aw, who wants to see her a zombie? "One must have brains! Bring one brains, this instant!"
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