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Old 09-11-2022, 08:33 PM   #11500 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

1. Who's your daddy?

A newly retired guy who lives 120km east of me.

2. If you could change one world event, what would it be?

I'd be selfish if I said "so and so politician not being born". I'll say erasing the discovery of the atomic bomb.

3. What's one of your pet peeves?

On the road, it's fairly common to see a driver whizzing by everyone in the left lane, only to cross three lanes in a slalom style, in order to make the next exit.

4. Tell me a smell you love and a smell you hate?

Love: There is an ice cream joint in Kingston. They make their own waffle cones. The smell of cinnamon is so powerful, it feels like a cinnamom punch in the face.
Hate: body odour

5. What's your favourite year of music releases?

I'll say 1987. The list of classics is HUGE. Joshua Tree, Hysteria, Whitesnake 1987, Cult's Electric, Cure's Kiss Me, Heart's Bad Animals, White Lion's Pride, GNR's Appetite For Destruction, Dio's Dream Evil, REM's Document, Michael Jackson's Bad, Aerosmith's Permanent Vacation, Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse, KISS' Crazy Nights, Rick Astley!!

6. Tell me two truths and a lie, other MB'ers have to guess what one is the lie.
I once lived with two guys who had the same first name as mine.
I've starred in a movie.
I've been mistaken as a clerk in a number of department stores.
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