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Old 09-10-2022, 04:26 PM   #11496 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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1. Who's your daddy?

I am the daddy

2. If you could change one world event, what would it be?

Caligula's assassination

3. What's one of your pet peeves?

I can't stand bad breath during sex - biggest turn off. Desserts with coconut. People who are condescending. People who don't return their shopping carts.

4. Tell me a smell you love and a smell you hate?

I love the smell of gasoline. I hate the smell of coconut.

5. What's your favourite year of music releases?

1994 probably. Protection, Superunknown, The Holy Bible, Illmatic, Dummy, Ready to Die, I Could Live in Hope, 6 Feet Deep, Dog Man Star and more

6. Tell me two truths and a lie, other MB'ers have to guess what one is the lie.

Trollheart doesn't particularly like horrorcore rap, Marie is an avid Sasquatch believer but plays it off and Frownland's favorite Star Wars character is Jar Jar Binks.
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