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Old 09-08-2022, 01:03 PM   #11491 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

I usually drive through Kennebunk a couple of times a week in my travels up and down the New England coast during the summer through the fall.
One of my favorite places to visit there is The Kennebunkport Brewing Company. They make some great beer and you can get some fresh from their brewpub which is located next to their brewery on the Kennebunkport waterfront.

Did you spend any time at Acadia National Park while you were in Bar Harbor?
I haven't been to Kennebunk in a while. It's been at least ten years. I don't remember seeing the brewery there at the time. It's a beautiful town. As for Bar Harbor, we were really just passing through. We took the Cat, a high speed ferry from Digby, Nova Scotia. It was a fun ride. We saw some whales.
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