Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem
Guybrush it is generally considered bad form to reveal what song you submitted lol.
What if someone really likes you, and rates your song higher because of that?
There goes the integrity of the rating system!
It all goes to SH!T, man! All to pieces! Then how do we find new music? Alone?!?
Oh right, well.. I feel like a relevant question might be: will anyone rate anything anyways?
I don't think anyone
really likes me, but if it's a problem, you can take me out of the running.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
Ah but I am. Boring, that is. But not as boring as his music.
I'm just trolling you. I don't find you boring.
I disagree with you on Morrissey's music (definitely not in the boring category imo), but then I do realize I might disagree with most people on Moz's music.