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Old 09-04-2022, 07:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Fast food / junk food / differences between countries

Hi everyone.

On another thread, someone mentioned Subway. It got me thinking about the time I had a sub while visiting an outlet mall in upstate New York. Caution: outlet malls in the US are dangerous to one's credit card.

I've now had Cadbury chocolate from three countries (UK, Australia, Canada). An Aussie friend of mine just got married, and she gave everyone small Cadbury chocolates in the shape of Koala bears. I don't remember there being any difference between the chocolate in the three countries. She said that the Aussie versions are best because they contain more milk.

KitKats are made in both the US and Canada. Again, I tasted no difference.

Mountain Dew is different from the US and Canada. I know the US one has a ton more caffeine in it. I wouldn't be surprised if it packed as much of a punch as a Red Balls. I remember the 'Dew being sweeter in the States.

When it comes to fast food, I believe the oil used in the US and Canada is different. I remember McD fries and burgers tasting different. Fries in Canada were way more salty. When I worked the fryers, I wasn't liberal with the salt shaker.

Five Guys burgers in the States were not as good as the ones I've had back home. They were too greasy, and the buns were mushy.

I remember Subway bread being sweeter in the States. I liked that they gave me more vegetables. At home, I have to practically beg for more than a few cucumber slices.

Hershey chocolate is better in the States than in Canada. There's a slight difference. I think the chocolate is more rich.

I still remember getting iced tea in Burlington, Vermont. I was so used to iced tea being full of sugar. This was not sweetened, but I liked it more. It was lighter, and more refreshing.
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