1.You are condemned to Hell and forced to listen to three songs you hate for eternity. What are the songs?
I don't hate any songs, so yer gonna have to find something else, Beelzebitch.
2.What mythical of fictional character do you wish actually existed?
Valentine Michael Smith
3.What is the oldest piece of furniture in your house?
My daughters shelf that was somewhere else when our place burned up. We're using it as a TV stand now until I get something else.
4. How do you think other people see you (in the real world, not here)?
As an asset.
5. If you only had one question, What would you ask your future self thirty years from now?
Have you taken your Geritol today? Hmmm? Lets get you to bed.
6. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, which one(s)?
No broken bones, lots of other injuries.
See location...