Music Banter - View Single Post - The Official Music Nostalgia Thread
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Old 08-28-2022, 05:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Default The Official Music Nostalgia Thread

I know we have one already about how music was better back then, but this is not about that, so hopefully will be left separate. This is just a place to post and discuss the music you enjoyed when growing up (if you're not already grown up) and recall maybe the feeling it gave you. What was on the radio? What was in your Walkman? What albums were you buying? What was in the charts? Post anything and everything, as long as it's not current, so let's assume since it's nostalgic, cap it at say minimum 10 years ago, but ideally we're looking back to the twentieth century. No real rules though: any genre, any type of music, as much or as little as you want and write about it if you like or just post the videos.

One thing I would say is that for everyone's convenience, title your video as sometimes videos are unavailable or get taken down, and it's annoying to see a black box and not know what the video was, if you want to go looking for it.

Now, I remember back when all of this was fields.
Oh wait: it still is...
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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