1.You are condemned to Hell and forced to listen to three songs you hate for eternity. What are the songs?
I'm gonna loophole this one and say I'm being forced to choose songs that I may not currently hate, but will come to hate, after an eternity. Time is not a line..... So, I choose binaural beats for improving mood as one song; some kind of monk prayer hymn for purifying my soul for the second song; and some kinda Satan killing banishing spell for my third song.
2.What mythical or fictional character do you wish actually existed?
The alien on the beach from Contact
3.What is the oldest piece of furniture in your house?
We have a full length bishop's table, including all the appropriate chairs, acquired directly from a grandiose church in Grosse Pointe.
4. How do you think other people see you (in the real world, not here)?
I already know how they see me. I'm very direct with people and they tend to be direct with me in turn. They think I'm smart. I've tricked hundreds of people into thinking this.
5. If you only had one question, What would you ask your future self thirty years from now?
What can I do now to succeed sooner?
6. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, which one(s)?
Mirth is King
Be Loving & Open With
My Emotions