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Old 08-20-2022, 10:53 AM   #11444 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem View Post

4. You are forced to take a bus seat next to a very old and clearly sick lady on a ventilator machine. Unfortunately, you made the poor decision to go for thirds on burritos last night and you are stricken with gas. If you don't release it, it will be quite uncomfortable for you, painful even. If you do release it, it will smell and it will definitely be heard. The bus ride is an hour long - do you let it rip or not?
Are elderly people with ventilators on buses some kind of inner city thing I'm too rural to understand? Why would I ever in my life go on a bus and why did her loved ones put her on one?
Oh absolutely. Every time I get on an inner city bus, there's always at least one decrepit lookin' geezer who appears to be near death on a ventilator. Their wrinkles are always so prounounced that you can actually see them undulate when the bus hits potholes.

I've wondered the same questions myself, so I usually ask them what the deal is, but they always give me a look of scorn and just wheeze at me like the concerns of a mere whippersnapper are beneath them - like I'm trying to steal their social security check or something.

Old people, I tell ya...

Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
5. Pop Tarts or Toaster Strudels? If you've never had either, what's your favorite pastry?
I've had neither. Also croissant for me, a good croissant is unbeatable

Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem View Post

3. You are put in charge of catering the US President, the Queen of England, and the General Secretary of China - what's your appetizer, entree, and dessert of choice?
Frown's answer was so good I refuse to entertain any other.
Mangiare, mangiare!!

Last edited by SGR; 08-20-2022 at 11:07 AM.
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