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Old 08-14-2022, 02:26 PM   #153 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
Absolutely. I'm a die hard Democrat but I like how Governor Hogan handled the Covid crisis here in Maryland in particular. I actually hope he runs for President though I'm afraid he could end up giving the Presidency to Trump or DeSantis (God help us with either).
It'll be interesting how this shakes out. Assuming Trump can run for 2024, I'd expect most Republican presidential hopefuls to sit it out until next time. If Trump runs, I'd honestly be surprised if DeSantis chooses to run (unless he's running as Trump's VP).

I'm sure all of these guys saw what Trump did on a debate stage to guys like Jeb and Rubio. Much easier for them to tow the line and wait their turn.

Edit: I'm happy for the Governors that got Covid right - but personally, at least for the first year or so of the pandemic, I'm kinda of the mind to give (most) political leaders a pass for how well Covid was handled in their jurisdiction (no passes for those leaders that acted in ways that were completely contrary to known facts, e.g. leaders that just wanted to get their economies going again, regardless of the human cost, like the mayor of Las Vegas). I think there was a lot of guessing that went on, the situation was rather unprecedented in recent times, so I look at it a bit as an extremely painful learning experience that hopefully we won't have to relive in our lifetimes. Future political leaders better take note about what went right and what went wrong though. I haven't kept completely up to date on this stuff, but I do remember there being a serious issue with some of our over the counter medicine being in short supply because we had outsourced much of its manufacturing to China. I don't want to seriously decouple from China, but I wish we had some movement on ramping up the domestic manufacturing base for medicines in the US. I don't care which party gets it done, but some of this stuff is just too vital to take our chances on a foreign supply chain, especially when they might be in dire need of it too. Perhaps the CHIPS act is the beginning of a trend that will swing in that direction for other areas.

Last edited by SGR; 08-14-2022 at 02:37 PM.
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