Originally Posted by Trollheart
I have no experience of being published, but I do know some who have, on another forum. With your permission I'll post your questions there. They are usually very helpful so, with no slight intended to anyone here, you'd be far more likely to get the answers you need through them than you would here, where few if anyone is going to have the knowledge you need.
Let me know if that's okay with you.
Originally Posted by Exo
ISB, I love you, but...who here has published a book? Lol.
Thank you both! I had TH in mind, as he is quite the prolific writer with his member journals. Even if he hasn't been properly published, I would value his insight, as I would the thoughts of a few other key contributors to this community.
I don't have many resources other than the active Google searching I've been performing, so I figured it couldn't hurt to at least post my position here on the outside chance that someone would have something valuable to say. I appreciate anything the group can provide.
And TH - yes; by all means feel free to share my questions to the community you have in mind. I appreciate the offer!