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Old 08-14-2022, 02:00 PM   #148 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Exo View Post
1. Concept-V is just a troll.

2. If they aren't a troll...they're easily one of those dimmest and devoid of critical thought users I have seen since Nord. All they do is regurgitate Fox News talking points. It's strawman arguments all f*cking day with this person. They're not even trying. I don't think I've seen one decently constructed thought out post from them. It's nothing but "Yeah, well, you guys are just WOKE, so, that's all you are. Just WOKE.

It's pathetic. I have thought about banning them out of pity but everyone seems to be having some fun with how deranged and pathetic they are so I decided to keep it going.

Still, they're an obvious troll. Nobody is this dumb.
Come on Exo, his name is Norg. Put some respect on the man's name.

But yeah, please don't ban, MusicBanter is more fun when we have some trolls.

Unrelated to that, this whole FBI raid on Trump - I don't really have a fully fleshed out opinion because I don't know all the details yet. But what are the chances this helps Trump in the long run? Perhaps it's close enough to November and it will drag on long enough that it helps the Dems in the midterms, but if any charges come out of this and they don't stick, I've got a sneaking suspicion that this whole thing will just end up as rage bait for Trump's base and if they actually can't make charges stick, it could endear Trump to independent voters.

I think Hillary had some inside info on all this though, because she wasted no time at all in capitalizing on Trump's apparent misfortune. Funny stuff though.

edit: What I'd like to know, and what no one seems to be asking is: Who packed the boxes of these documents?

Last edited by SGR; 08-14-2022 at 03:00 PM.
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