Comments: Well that was a whole heap of … something. How many loose ends were left? Why was the sun (Orb) not shining? What had caused it not to be in the sky, or was there like constant cloud cover for some reason? Why had these people forgotten how to make fire? If the Cave of Skulls was a sort of burial ground for their enemies, where were they? Had they killed them all? If not for their enemies, then why smash in their skulls? To make sure they were dead? And how exactly did Za recover so miraculously and completely from being mauled by a possible tiger without any medical attention whatever? And why am I bothering asking these questions? And who cares?
Looked at one way, this whole story could be seen as one of colonial expansionism, the cavemen the “savages” to whom the brave European explorers taught the precepts of “civilisation”, using their superior minds and knowledge. It doesn’t take much to superimpose Australian aborigines or Native Americans or even Africans on this serial. The story in essence was nothing though: did the Doctor invent fire for Man? Was he a latter-day Prometheus? What exactly did he do here, other than bring them all here by accident and then blunder off to some other unknown destination? It’s telling, to me, that he was last on board the TARDIS. I mean, being old, sure, he would have found it hard to keep up, but is the writer (I doubt it) using this as a symbol of his uselessness? Certainly seems like little more than an old annoying man tagging along and getting in the way.
There are also disturbing parallels to the so-called advancement of humanity here, where Ian and the Doctor encourage, basically instigate a stoning, which no doubt will have repercussions further down the line, not least for one disciple of Jesus, as well as a rather irate John Cleese. The logic used in this episode is laughable; I assumed they were going to use the flaming skulls to frighten the cave people - ancestors angry, that kind of thing, but the idea used was beyond stupid, as I already pointed out. So stupid, in fact, that it didn’t even fool a caveman! And how were the band able to find their way back to the TARDIS unaided suddenly? How come none of them were attacked by wild animals? Probably not in the tiger’s contract I guess. Nah, one appearance mate, that’s your lot. Now f
uck off back to London Zoo, yeah?
After this had concluded, Wiki says that the show was cancelled - which would be no surprise to me - but I find this hard to believe, as the next one went out the very next week. Not much of a chance to change your mind really, is it? On the basis of this serial, it looks like the show barely survived being axed altogether, but then of course there was the D-word, and from then on everything was rosy.
Kind of.
Diagnosing the Doctor
I would grudgingly admit that in this final episode of the first story the Doctor does actually wake up and do something, though not much; mostly he supports Ian’s efforts (it is he, after all, who successfully makes fire, and so could have, had he wished to, challenge Za for the leadership) but mostly just offers advice. I suppose you can say he learns a little humility, realising that Ian is not just a know-it-all cocky young fella, so there’s that, but overall again he does very little. He can’t even get them out of the Stone Age safely, dragging them to another time and planet entirely. **** as the idea is , it’s nevertheless Susan who comes up with the idea of the burning skulls, while Barbara is again conspicuous by her absence, apart from the odd scream or plea to let them go. But the Doctor, at the end of this first serial, has completely failed to impress me. I suppose I can give him a few points, but it will just barely lift him out of the negative. Better than nothing, I guess.
Doctor: First (William Hartnell) - S01E04 - 1/100
Charting the Companions
It’s definitely Ian who takes the lead here, making the fire, leading the stoning, though when asked if he is the leader he shakes his head and sticks his thumb over his shoulder. “Nah,” he says. “That guy. I know, I know: you would never believe it, but he is. Honestly.” Good old BBC! Couldn’t have a woman taking charge, dear me no. What would the world be coming to if we let females lead? By Jove, next you’ll be saying there’ll one day be a female Prime Minister! Oh dear, oh my! Someone fetch me a brandy!
Susan steps up with the flaming skulls, but other than that, not a lot to report and Barbara may as well not be there. So we end this first serial with Ian on top, which may be what Barbara wanted all along…
Susan: 5/100
Ian: 25/100
Barbara: -10/100 (that’s minus ten)
Ah hell, what can I say? Bring on the robotic pepper pots!