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Old 08-06-2022, 09:59 PM   #9851 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
Ok now you wanna play the disabled card I see how it is

In all seriousness though if that is the case maybe you should go to some DSA meetings just to get more used to socializing.
This is good advice. Even if it's not DSA, if you've got a problem with social interactions, the best way to deal with it and improve the situation is to meet up with people who are either likeminded or share a mutual interest. Doing so will ensure you always have something to talk about and things aren't awkward.

It's the first advice I give to interns who are going into college and intern at the company I work at. Join a club or group at college that interests you. Joining the radio club at my college did wonders for me. I discovered a bunch of different music and I drastically improved my social skills. And I learned how to be a radio DJ on top of it.

The best advice I can give about conversation making in general - learn to be a good listener and ask pertinent questions of people. For 90% of people, there's nothing they'd rather do than talk about themselves to someone who seems interested. And you pull that off, they'll remember you and you might just make a friend. And hell, they might ask you questions too.

There must be a D&D club or something near you that you could join Bats, no?
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