Originally Posted by music_collector
Yeah, I guess you can say we're triplets. My boy is almost literally a mini-me.
I had a similar thing with my boy. He's on the autism spectrum, though he's highly functional. He is big into texture. I'd give him a homemade cookie. He would take a bite or two. The rest of the cookie would be crumbled. He squished it in his hands. Come to think of it, he still does that...with brownies!
A mini-you with the exception that he's not into hockey, right? But there's still time for you to influence him! Your son must be a very special little guy. My daughter worked in pediatric autism research years ago and loved working with the kids and their families. With his appreciation of textures maybe your son with grow to be an artist. And hey, why wouldn't he want to squish brownies - especially if they're of the ultramoist, fudgy variety (obviously the best kind).