Originally Posted by music_collector
Thanks. The birthdays aren't for a couple of weeks. I now share a birthday with them too, as mine is three days before their's.
During their second birthday, my little girl did something with a birthday cake I've never seen a kid do. The icing on the cake was pink, and way too sweet, even for me. She took her wedge of cake, put all of the icing in her hands, and rubbed it on her hands and legs. She applied it as if it were sunscreen.
I like that .gif by the way. I never saw mine compete for a soother though!
The three of you are just like triplets, then.
Your daughter must have been a sight with that pink frosting all smeared - so cute! What is it about that age? The terrible twos, lol. I went through a frustrating period with my daughter when she was toddler and she literally would not eat
anything. I thought she would starve. All she did was
SMEAR her food - across her high chair tray, all over her face and body. It was nonstop cleanup and face and hand wipes with her lol. Her brother was totally different - very compliant and sat there limply with his mouth open waiting for the food to be shoveled in. I'm still waiting for his terrible twos to happen.