Music Banter - View Single Post - Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
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Old 08-02-2022, 02:50 AM   #10 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463

Axl woke up the next morning and ate, drank, and showered and got ready for the day. Soon Billy, Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike also got up and ate, drank, and showered and got ready for the day too.

Billy said," I'm so sorry you got shot multiple times protecting me," Billy said remorsefully.

Axl replied,"Me getting shot multiple times wasn't your fault at all. You have no reason to feel sorry."

Billy replied, "I know that in my head, but my heart's not so sure."

Axl replied,"Tell your head to tell your heart that the multiple shots wasn't your fault at all."

Billy was still conflicted.

Axl said,"Billy, if the situation were reversed, you would have done the same thing for me."

Billy said,"Yep, I would have."

Axl smiled.

Cake Cream and Axl spent the day just chilling, eating, drinking. They continued to take care of Axl's multiple gunshot wounds and give him food, water, and Tylenol. Axl thanked them and they welcomed him.

They showered and got ready for bed. Axl climbed into his bed and was close to sleeping.

Billy knocked on Axl's door and Axl let him come in.

Billy said,"I still feel traumatized. I want to sleep in the same bed with you. Is that all right? Axl said,"Yes, it's all right."

Billy smiled and climbed into bed with Axl. Billy snuggled close to Axl and Axl found himself caressing Billy's hair as he drifted off to sleep. "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go?" Axl told Billy, still caressing Billy's hair. Billy had a peaceful, serene look on his face and Axl couldn't help but smile. Axl soon fell asleep himself soon. When he awoke, Billy was already awake.

Billy shyly said,"Please don't tell Jimmy, James, Andy, or Mike we slept in the same bed last night."

Axl responded,"We slept in the same bed at the Marriott Hotel. There's not that much of a difference."

Billy responded,"But at the Marriott Hotel, we had to sleep in the same bed. In our house, we CHOSE to sleep in the same bed."

Axl smiled shyly. Billy looked at the ground shyly himself. Billy said,"Thanks for letting me sleep in the same bed with you last night. It means a lot to me."

Axl welcomed him. Billy smiled. Billy also mentioned he enjoyed Axl caressing his hair as he drifted off to sleep. He said it felt good and thanked him for that. Axl once again welcomed him. Billy left Axl's room undetected by Andy, Jimmy, Mike, and James. He went to his own room.

Axl smiled, happy Billy chose HIM and not one of his 4 Cake Cream Band Members to sleep in the same bed with. And purposely snuggled close to him when he could have easily slept on the other side of the bed and let him caress his hair and even enjoyed it and was thankful. Could Billy love him back like Older Axl suggested?

Last edited by Karice; 08-04-2022 at 07:22 AM.
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