Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463
Axl's phone was ringing and he woke up. It was Older Axl. Axl picked up his phone.
"Hi Axl," he told him sleepily.
"Hi Axl, Older Axl repeated warmly. "How are you holding up?"
Axl responded,"I'm still in a lot of pain. Luckily, Cake Cream has been taking really good care of me."
Older Axl replied,"You are so lucky you have Cake Cream taking care of you. You should get a lot of rest and heal. I hope you feel better.
Axl thanked him. Older Axl welcomed him.
Older Axl said,"Speaking of Cake Cream, are you guys you know, in love with each other?
Axl responded,"Come on, Axl, you know you and I are not Gay. We're the same person and you know we don't like guys that way."
Actually, you and I are technically two different People. If we were the same Person, we wouldn't be talking to each other like we are now," Older Axl pointed out wryly and matter of factly.
Hmm. Good points," Axl said.
"So, Older Axl repeated, "Are you and Cake Cream lovers?"
Axl responded,"It's complicated. "
"Wanna tell me about it? I mean, I'm closely related to you and you can trust me with your thoughts and feelings."
Axl responded,"Okay. I love Billy. He's my favorite Cake Cream Member. I feel very close to Billy and trust him the most out of all of Cake Cream."
Older Axl responded, "Does Billy feel the same way about you?"
"I'm not sure. But Billy feels guilty and concerned about me getting shot multiple times. He was also the only one who visited me in jail. So he does care about me."
Older Axl responded, "Billy has nothing to feel guilty about you about the multiple shots thing.
"I told him that but he still feels guilty about it."
Older Axl responded, "He shouldn't feel guilty. Older Axl added,"Would you have pushed Andy, Jimmy, James, or Mike out of the way of gunfire?"
Axl responded,"Of course I'd push any of them out of the way of gunfire. They're all my Friends and Clients."
Older Axl answered,"But with Billy you felt a more emotional connection, right?"
Axl responded,"Yeah. I was very scared when John aimed the gun at Billy. "
Older Axl responded,"Do you want Billy to be your Boyfriend?"
Axl responded,"Yes, I want Billy to be my Boyfriend.
Older Axl asked,"Have you told Billy how you feel about him?
Axl responded,"No."
Older Axl responded,"There could be a chance Billy loves you right back, the same way you love him. Maybe you should drop at least one hint that "someone," loves him."
Axl responded,"If Billy's straight, that would be really embarrassing.
"You won't know until you give it a try," Older Axl said.
Axl replied,"You make a lot of sense, but I'm just not ready yet.
Older Axl replied,"Okay. Go at your own pace."
Axl told Older Axl,"Please don't tell anyone what I said about Billy.
Older Axl responded with a laugh,"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Axl thanked him and was welcomed.
Axl added,"I love Billy but I also love women. Am I Gay if I love just Billy romantically out of all of Cake Cream? I mean, it's only ONE guy I want to date.
"You're actually bisexual since you love and want Billy but also love and want Women." Older Axl told Axl softly.
Axl told Older Axl," I'm Billy's Manager. I'm not so sure I should love Billy that way. I'm not sure Claven Records will allow me to still be Billy's Manager since I love him that way.
Older Axl responded," It's 2022. Many Companies are more open minded about stuff like this now compared to 1987. Claven Records might not care if any of you or Cake Cream date love/date each other."
Axl thanked him and he was welcomed. They chatted a little while longer and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Axl went back to sleep.
Last edited by Karice; 08-01-2022 at 07:20 PM.