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Old 07-31-2022, 02:59 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Grandpa is up next, and Bart says to him that he has led an interesting life. “That’s a lie!” snaps Grandpa, “and you know it! But,” he admits, “I have seen a lot of movies.” And so his story is a retelling of King Kong, shown in black and white.

Treehouse of Horror episode: 3
Year: 1992
Season: 4
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “King Homer”
Writer(s): Al Jean & Mike Reiss, Jay Kogen & Wallace Wolodarsky, Sam Simon, Jon Vitti
Main: Homer, Mr. Burns, Smithers, Marge
Supporting: Barney, Lenny, Carl, Charlie (? - occasional worker see at the plant), Otto
Homage to? King Kong
Basic premise: Mr. Burns captures King Homer and brings him back to exhibit him, but he breaks loose and wreaks havoc.
Best quotes: Burns: “What do you think, Smithers?”
Smithers: “I think women and seamen don’t mix, sir.”
Burns: “Pshaw! We all know what you think!”

Carl: “ I heard we’re going to Ape Island.”
Lenny: “Yeah, to capture a big ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island.”
Charlie(?): “Candy Apple Island? What have they got there?”
Carl: “Apes. But they’re not so big.”

Marge: “Will I come too?”
Burns: “Of course! We couldn’t dream of going without the bait - ah, that is, the bait-hing beauty. The bathing beauty. Well I covered that up pretty well.”

Marge: “What is he saying?”
Burns: “Uh, he’s saying we wouldn’t dream of sacrificing the blue-haired woman!”

Lenny: “Hey come on Homer, cut it out! Quit eating me!” (Carl shoots at Homer, hits Lenny in the shoulder) “Ow! Nice shot, Carl!”

Burns: “Nice work, Smithers! When we get back, I’m giving you a raise.” (Homer eats him) “Oh well.”

Marge: “I think you’re making him angry.”
Reporter: “Come on! What’s he gonna do? Run amuck in downtown Springfield?”

Flight leader, as they wait for Homer to ascend the building: “He’s sure taking his sweet time!”
Other pilot: “Better refuel.”

Marge: “He’s not dead!”
Burns: “No, but his career is.”

Type of ending: Upbeat but silly

Synopsis: Follows the basic story of the movie. Mister Burns is a big game hunter/entrepreneur who goes to Ape Island to capture the legendary Homer. Using Marge as bait he lures the huge beast away and knocks him out with gas, then has him transported back to the USA, where he exhibits him. Homer runs amuck, captures Marge, makes a pathetic attempt to climb a tall building but gets no further than a few feet off the ground before he collapses. Later he and Marge marry.

Rating: B

Story: 4
Laughs: 4
Originality: 2
Ending: 5
Longevity: 1
Total: 16

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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