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Old 07-28-2022, 01:02 PM   #7 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463

At the Courthouse, they were searched for Weapons. Axl had made Cake Cream and himself wear bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets just in case that creep tried to shoot in the Courtroom. They had watched Diary Of A Mad Black Woman and Jameson had shot Charles in the Courtroom using the Baliff's gun. Axl could see the creep doing that in the Courthouse in real life.

Cake Cream trusted Axl and did what he advised. They all came to the Courthouse protected by the motorcycle helmets and the bulletproof vests.

In the Courthouse, they were earlier than the creep. Axl realized that the Bailiff's gun was visible just like in Diary Of A Mad Black Woman movie. He told the Bailiff he should REALLY have his gun hidden, telling him about the Diary movie Courtroom scene. The Bailiff said he didn't think a Criminal would be audacious enough to shoot right in the Classroom. Axl wryly quipped," Who knows with Criminals?" The Bailiff hid his gun. Axl smiled.

Soon, the Criminal was escorted in. Axl and Cake Cream noted that the Creep had handcuffs on and they felt safer. The Creep was named John Wilson. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

Some of the medical staff who treated Axl's multiple gunshot wounds testified for Axl and even showed pictures of Axl's multiple gunshot wounds. The Courtroom gasped. John gave remorseless glares. Axl and Cake Cream were grateful the medical staff testified for them. They thanked the medical staff and the medical staff welcomed them.

Some Claven Records executives, including Timothy testified for Cake Cream and Axl. They pointed out that Cake Cream and Axl were like Family to them and they wanted to see John get punished for what he did.

Cake Cream and Axl thanked Claven Records executives for testifying for them and they were welcomed.

Cake Cream and Axl were put on the stand and testified against John. They pressed charges.

John was asked by Courtroom Staff why he tried to shoot Billy.

John coldly replied," Because I don't like Billy. I hate him so much. He's trash and a creep. I bought a Cake Cream ticket and showed up with the sole purpose of killing Billy. If only his Boyfriend Axl hadn't saved Billy, Billy could have been dead. Cake Cream and Axl ignored the "Boyfriend," response.

He was asked if he'd do it all again.

John coldly replied,"I'd do it all again but I'd make sure Billy was the one shot. Multiple times. And that he was dead. If I had a gun, I'd shoot him and kill him right here in this Courtroom. " If I didn't have on these handcuffs and the Bailiff had a gun, I'd shoot Billy. I regret that Billy's still alive. And that I was caught, arrested, and put in jail. "He gave Billy a cold, hateful glare. "I wish I killed you," he told Billy directly, his voice filled with hatred.

John was asked if he felt any remorse for shooting Axl multiple times.

John coldly responded,"Axl getting shot multiple times was his own fault. Had he not pushed Billy out of the way, he wouldn't have gotten shot multiple times. It's Axl's fault I didn't get to kill Billy. Axl had the multiple shots coming."

The Court asked him how he pleaded. John coldly replied,"Guilty." He gave Billy and Axl very hateful glares.

Billy was understandably freaked out. Cake Cream and Axl were unnerved too. Axl said," This Creep has no remorse for shooting me multiple times. Nor does he have remorse for trying to shoot Billy. Keep this Creep locked up. He's a danger to all of us. Everyone in this Courtroom and society in general.

Billy said,"I won't feel safe with John out in Society."

Axl said,"Listen to Billy. He was the intended Victim. And John himself admitted he'd do it all again and make sure Billy died."

The Court agreed. They charged John with double Attempted Murder, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless gun discharge, endangering Society. They decided John needed to be put back in Jail immediately. Cake Cream and Axl all breathed sighs of relief. John was led away and soon the Courtroom Hearing came to a close. The Bailiff gratefully thanked Axl for his,"Hide your gun," advice. Axl smiled back. Cake Cream and Axl went home.

Last edited by Karice; 07-29-2022 at 12:16 AM.
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