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Old 07-27-2022, 03:47 PM   #17751 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 113

Originally Posted by Psy-Fi View Post
He lost his mojo after 'Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)', and went into a 30 year creative slump, but managed to get it back for his last couple of albums.
His mojo went into hibernation due to being lured into the pop major league. As David once said, the money was too ridiculous to turn down but it eventually made him miserable.

There were still glimmers of the old David Bowie throughout the '80s and '90s (Absolute Beginners, When the Wind Blows, The Buddha of Suburbia, etc.), but not enough to create a truly impressive album.

IMHO, David needed to work with fresh talent who could kick-start his creative juices. Unfortunately, he spent the last 15-20 years working with the same frigging session musicians and getting Tony Visconti to produce almost every single time. He wasn't being challenged and became complacent. That was more his downfall than anything else.
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