Music Banter - View Single Post - Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
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Old 07-26-2022, 12:33 AM   #3 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 463

After the meal, they went back to the Hotel. Paparazzi saw them all go to Suite 213. And filmed them. Paparazzi asked if they were all sleeping in the same Suite.

Axl said,"No, we all have our own rooms. We are just hanging out with each other in this room for a little while. "Cake Cream confirmed this. They all went inside. They chatted and got ready for bed. They slept and woke up and showered and got ready for the day. They checked out. They left the Hotel and took a limo back to the Airport and flew back home first class and had a luxurious experience again.

At home, they watched YouTube and the 2022 St. Louis Show already went viral. They were happy. They chilled for the rest of the day.

The next day, it was a particularly hot day, around 90 degrees and Axl decided he wanted to cool off Cake Cream in Billy's backyard. He told them his plan and they were on board with it. He had them go outside and he ran Billy's garden hose to make sure the hot water would run out first and then only cool water would be left. He then splashed all of Cake Cream with the cool water from the garden hose and they loved it, having fun. Then it was Axl's turn to get splashed by the cool water from the garden hose. Billy splashed Axl with the cool water from the garden hose and he had fun. They then alternated and were soon splashing one another with the cool water from the garden hose.

They soon finished splashing each other with the garden hose and dried off and went inside.

They ate, drank, and chilled. They went on YouTube and them splashing each other with the garden hose was already going viral on YouTube.

Cake Cream and Axl were disturbed that someone had filmed them without their acknowledgement in their backyard. It was creepy and disturbing they were filmed in their own backyard without their acknowledgement. Comments were saying stuff like,"I need Friends who I can splash around with a garden hose like these 6 guys do! LMAO!

Other Comments said stuff like,"Cake Cream and Axl splashing each other with a garden hose is just plain weird. I get that it's 90 degrees, but get a damn pool!" Axl and Cake Cream turned off YouTube soon after. Axl told them that he'd splash around with a garden hose with Duff, Steven, Izzy, and Slash and there was nothing wrong with splashing around with a garden hose with Friends. Cake Cream smiled shyly. They watched some TV, chilling some more.

Last edited by Karice; 07-26-2022 at 01:38 AM.
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