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Old 07-20-2022, 03:23 PM   #1528 (permalink)
Queen Boo
From beyooond the graaave
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
100% this. Their way of 'empowering' themselves as women is to worship a kind of platonic ideal of woman they made for themselves. So then they start to gatekeep what a woman is allowed to be, which drives them right into the traditional gender role misery.
And yeah, you also have my mod permission to be mean to them.
I'm fascinated with the ones that get into truly deranged sh*t like "transvestigating" random cis people and accusing them of being trans because they don't conform to their batsh*t insane idea of extreme sexual dimorphism as some set standard that absolutely no one can deviate from.

Trolls on the internet have tricked them into thinking cis women are trans and the TERFs will just go off about how they are obviously men, saying the most cruel sh*t about their appearance and how they behave, once they believe someone is a man they automatically see everything about that person as masculine and therefore threatening, trans women have been getting a kick out of trolling the sh*t out of them, posting pictures of famous cis women and claiming it's them, it's hilarious how easily TERFs fall for it.

It's baffling to me how they don't see the obvious severe damage that gender policing women's spaces would cause, have you seen what the average TERF looks like? They would fail their own test.

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret
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