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Old 07-20-2022, 10:55 AM   #2655 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2022
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Thanks. I let the kids put frosting on their muffins. I let them decorate with other stuff too, like sprinkles.

My son asked if I could make the "Gordon Ramsay velvet eggs breakfast" this weekend
Perhaps I'll check that out. I've never seen Gordon's show on tv.

I grew up baking with my mom and grandma. My kids want to help me bake things, which is as nice as it can be frustrating, but that's ok. In a grocery store, I refuse to buy the kids cookies, bear paws, and things like that. My reason is that I can make better stuff. I can't make an Oreo, but my nestle crunch cookies are a more than acceptable substitute.

Agreed, it is time for lunch.
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