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Old 07-19-2022, 12:58 PM   #2635 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

Mayo is food glue.
Perhaps you're right. I just can't do it.

One lunch pre-covid, my friends and I hit up the local deli. They make amazing sandwiches the size of US footballs. The one time they mistakenly put mayo on my sandwich, it was drenched. I gave it to a coworker. He couldn't eat it either. He likes mayo, but the sandwich was beyond saturated.

White sauces and I don't agree in a number of ways. My father loves telling me about the time he met my mom's folks. Their idea of a salad dressing was milk. I come by my dislike of white sauces honestly, because my mom hates them.

Mayo in any form, I won't touch. Whether it's aioli, mayo, tartar sauce, etc, no thanks.

I'll put ketchup on hot dogs, but that's it. I won't put any sauce on a steak, unless it's been burned beyond recognition.
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