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Old 07-16-2022, 07:06 PM   #97 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Guybrush View Post
TH, you realize noone's ever suggested paywalling musicbanter? Just hope that's clear. Noone should have to pay anything.

If I could choose, I might set up a backup forum and then try to pressure advameg into upgrading the vbulletin version. As it is, I definitely feel like moderators especially are taken advantage of. They help keep advameg's site clean, but receive basically nothing in return. An upgrade to the forum software is a fair demand imo.
I didn't suggest it was. What I said was, if a number of us are going to pay for a new forum, is it fair that those people should then be subsidising those who join but have not paid? So then the fairest way would seem to me, in my amateurish way and knowing little about it, for everyone to have to pay something towards the site upkeep, either through a membership or donation, or something. I would personally not be prepared to pay to set up a site just so those who didn't contribute could just walk in and say "thanks dude" and enjoy what I had helped pay for. I hope that's clear. If that were to be the model, then I would definitely not be prepared to put up any money. I'm not paying for other people, as it were.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
To which Advameg would then say "I thought we shut that site down years ago?"
Music what?
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