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Old 07-12-2022, 10:08 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by music_collector View Post
I've heard this title before, but have yet to see the film. My aunt and uncle continue to give me Québecois movies as gifts. I'm looking for a documentary called Passage. It's about some kids' struggles in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, where I'm from.
I had to look up Abitibi-Témiscamingue (right on the border! now I see why BCBC would have a special significance for you), it's sad how I know next to nothing about la belle province beyond the island... We immigrated from Moscow when I was a kid, so we don't have any familial roots in the province.

The trailer looks good. I suspect if you contact the filmmaker on FB and tell her your story she'd be happy to provide you access!

Canada's always been strong at documentaries but Lauzon comes from a generation of filmmakers (Cronenberg, Egoyan, Maddin) who looked elsewhere (mainly to Europe) for inspiration to develop new styles that allowed for more artifice and imagination. And since those ambitions met govt subsidies we got for a hot minute some of the most interesting cinema in the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a real golden age of eccentric, "authentically Canadian" (meaning here alienated and uncomfortable in its own skin) cinema.

But it's probably fair to say that overall Québec has a more interesting cinematique tradition than ROC, from Jutra to Xavier Dolan. Cronenberg aside, I don't remember anyone in Toronto making a film as important as Les bons débarras in 1980.
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